Stronger together: Anneke talks about the TWO model as a foundation for cohesion

"The TWO model encourages internally and externally focused cooperation” 

From business transformation to data-drivenness and from software development to integration: bring together over 25 companies with unique specialties and you get the Conclusion ecosystem. Over 3,000 employees work here for more than 500 clients, backed by a solid foundation of cooperation and connection. A multitude of experts collectively sink their teeth into complex problems to arrive at objective recommendations. There isn’t a challenge out there that we shy away from. The power of our ecosystem may be the sum of its parts, but how do you find one another in such a vast business landscape? Various colleagues discuss what cooperation looks like for their daily duties within this ecosystem. Anneke Zijlstra deals with digital strategy at Conclusion Consulting and is one of the founders of the TWO model. She explains how this model ensures cohesion within the ecosystem as well as successful digital transformation for clients. 

June 18th, 2024   |   Blog   |   By: Conclusion


Anneke Zijlstra

Digital transformation; where to start? 

For more than 25 years, Anneke has been helping clients establish and realize a future-proof and sustainable digital strategy. Anneke explains: "To many companies, a digital transformation is a complex task. Change is rapid, the impact is high, and as a result, organizations encounter all sorts of issues throughout their digital journey that they did not initially consider. It is important to act on this, because all these aspects affect each other. Organizations often lack a clear overview of the digital landscape and the dependencies within it. Which is why Conclusion developed the TWO model. We look at an organization based on the three pillars of technology, working method and organization (TWO): how do the pillars connect and reinforce each other? The TWO model helps discover connections in the often complex IT landscape of organizations. It leads to a clear starting point, based on which we can all define a dot on the horizon. Next, we can plot a suitable route to this final destination. The goal is to set the course for a resilient, agile and distinctive organization.”  

Mirror of the Conclusion ecosysteem

"The success of TWO is that the model was developed as a mirror of the Conclusion ecosystem," Anneke explains. "Diversity is our strength. It makes for a wide range of ideas, based on different perspectives. Better results are always achieved when the strengths and expertise of different companies are united. In addition, our diversity ensures that we are resilient and flexible as an ecosystem. A solution for a client should be just that. Which is achieved with the TWO model.” 

TWO stands for together: Conclusion integrates the ecosystem expertises needed for digital transformation. An individual or team alone never possesses all the knowledge. Just as each company has a place in the ecosystem based on its expertise, each company also has a place in the TWO model. Anneke: "This helps us collaborate in a targeted way and help clients gain control of the resilience, agility and distinctiveness of their organization.” 

Anneke Zijlstra | Conclusion Consulting

The bigger picture 

How do clients benefit from the TWO model? A question Anneke needs little time to think about: "It helps us create transparency in the bigger picture. In co-creation with our clients, we look at how the TWO model can be applied to arrive at a sustainable and supported digital strategy. We dig deep into the reason or motivation underlying the question asked by the organization, so that we are clear about the ultimate goal. Together with clients, we translate the strategic vision into a digital vision. We help set a dot on the horizon and chart the course. We want the strategy to resonate within the client's organization. This shows that the model bridges IT and business. Working on technological solutions involves dealing with people and processes. And because we use this model as a starting point within the Conclusion ecosystem, we speak the same language with our clients. A uniform way of working is crucial to serve clients well. In the background, we work at different companies, but on the surface we are one.” 

An international customer operating in the agricultural sector described the strength of the TWO model as follows: "Thanks to their ecosystem, Conclusion was able to serve us in terms of business as well as IT. Because various of their companies are authorities in their field, they possess all the expertise to guide our digital strategy. We regained control of our business based on that confidence.” Anneke responds: "I can't really sum it up any better." "It is truly about leadership in the digital transformation. In co-creation with the client, we lead the way towards concretization in this regard.” 

Externally and internally focused collaboration

The TWO model is responsible for great things within the ecosystem as well. It regularly acts as a foundation for the emergence of new models. Anneke: "We have a number of employees within the ecosystem who are big fans of the TWO model. "They have extended the TWO model with a sustainable IT variant, which allows us to take concrete action on issues associated with this theme. The TWO model is a living model, helping us be agile, resilient and distinctive as an ecosystem. We are able to take action in a split second, regardless of the theme. As a result, the model stimulates cohesion between companies both externally and internally. Because all companies have a place in the TWO model, it is a convenient way for colleagues to familiarize themselves with the ecosystem.” 


The TWO model: coherent change

Develop a complete view of the target digital transformation. With our TWO Model, Conclusion offers leaders a strategic roadmap for change.

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