Factbased improvement

Achieving goals and maximizing value creation through fact-based management.

Fact-based improvement: The business in control

The business in control

How can you use your data to achieve your strategic targets more quickly? What impact will it have on your organization, clients, and suppliers, and how will you involve them in the change? What can you create in terms of business value in the short term?

Getting the most out of data involves more than just technology. Here at Conclusion, we draw on our extensive expertise to guide you through the interface between people, organization, and technology. Together, we can create a customer-focused, multidisciplinary, data-driven, and people-driven organization. Our tried-and-tested approach has helped many organizations outperform their competitors.

Discover the power of data.

Relying on gut feelings is a thing of the past. Learn in seven steps how to make better strategic, tactical, and operational decisions, and future-proof your business with fact-based business improvement.

The new way of doing business

Now more than ever, commercial success depends on the extent to which data and analysis strategies evolve with business ambitions. As a tool for active and pro-active management at all levels, and as a basis for effectively responding to the unprecedentedly fast business cycles of innovation and disruption from competitors. Agile data and analysis solutions epitomise the new digital way of doing business: efficient, effective, and compliant operations, with all risks accounted for and the potential to create new value.

Energy from synergy

Many organizations struggle with the uncontrolled growth of systems and databases. Each department manages its own processes, definitions, and applications. Data comes in from many sources and is input into these applications without any structure. This leads to discussions about the reliability of data, discrepancies in reports, the creation of data silos, and dissatisfied customers and suppliers. This uncontrolled data management is an obstacle to digital transformation into an agile, resilient, and stand-out organization.

To ensure a successful transformation, we work with you to create the right technical environment and data management organization in end-to-end data chains, in which multidisciplinary teams can design and develop in an efficient and targeted manner, as well as continue to deliver value. At the same time, we use governance and training to get employees on board. This cohesion and synergy will reduce the costs, improve decision-making, and optimize performance

Important focal points

The most important focal points to achieve the ambition of data-driven work are:

  1. Creating support for the vision: Is data seen as an asset and used at board level for fact-based decision-making, and is the whole organization being made aware of this?
  1. Availability of data: Is all the data needed for the service available and is this data usable?
  1. Data quality: Is the quality of the data as it should be? And how do you improve this quality (in phases)?
  1. Organizational development: Which areas of the organization need our support in working in a data-driven way?
  1. Creating support for the roadmap: How can data-driven work be explained in concrete terms in a broadly supported roadmap?
  1. Communication: Changing to a data-driven way of working has an impact on employees. How do you ensure that these employees are involved and properly included in the new way of working?
Factbased improvement

Factbased improvement

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What we do

We help you harness the power of your data, so that you can gain insights that lead to more business opportunities while safeguarding the entire organization. We help you every step of the way. In an exploratory phase, we can always start small.

  1. Performance Analyse (PA)

In the Performance Analysis phase, which lasts a maximum of six weeks, we explore the target situation, pinpoint the need, and define this vision in a target architecture. Based on this vision, we investigate the bottlenecks in the current situation, analyse the causes, and develop suitable solutions. While working on prototypes, we work with your business to address an acute bottleneck and real data. These quick improvements produce instant results – and the resulting enthusiasm really sets the wheels in motion. 


  1. Performance Improvement (PI)

In the Performance Improvement phase, we develop and implement fast and sustainable BI and analytics solutions. We combine Agile (sprints in a fast track) and the traditional Waterfall method (sustainable development of the target architecture in a safeguarding track) in a hybrid approach. Structural unlocking of (IoT) data from source systems, integrating applications, and coherently designing and developing the architecture into an agile data foundation are ideally suited for such an approach. After each step, we evaluate the results and, if necessary, we adjust the target situation to the changing situation.


  1. Continuous Improvement (CI)

During the Performance Improvement phase, we ensure that your organization’s administrators and developers are actively involved in the process. Thanks to their specialist knowledge of the field, they help to create a system that they can proactively maintain and further develop. By monitoring proactively, administrators can respond to errors and (impending) disruptions in time. Through our training courses, administrators and developers sharpen their knowledge and skills so that they can manage the delivered products to your complete satisfaction, provide an up-to-date platform, and phase out legacy.

What’s in it for you?


Grip on costs: insights into hidden costs
Availability and reliability of data
Make well-informed (fact-based) decisions that lead to value creation
Risk management


Adapt rapidly based on reliable data insights
Improved insight thanks to integral (near) real-time information
Forecast future results
Eliminate uncertainties (risks) based on predictive insights
Short-cycle innovation using agile methods


Data-as-an-asset attitude
Identify and seize opportunities based on facts instead of gut feelings
Implement new business models quickly – and driven by value creation
Digitize the customer experience and customer contact
Optimal value creation and customer service
Competent and enthusiastic employees

How do you do it?

The goal of digital transformation is clear, but how you do it and which approach works best for your organization is the crux. All you have to do is ask. We’re ready to work with you in every situation to achieve short-term results that contribute to your long-term goals.

Harness the power of our ecosystem

Integration specialist of the Netherlands. Implements and manages hybrid integration solutions for the success of digital transformation.

  • Integration of strategy/architecture
  • Integration platforms
  • API management
  • Streaming and messaging
  • Managed integration services

The leading data and integration specialist in the Netherlands.

  • Internet of Things
  • Data analytics
  • Data integration
  • Data platforms
  • API management

ICT expert in healthcare and science. Provides smart people with in-depth knowledge of the healthcare domain.

  • ChipSoft, Epic & Nexus
  • Data services
  • Integration & conversion
  • Software engineering

Combines knowledge of business, IT, and UX with a capacity for innovation and strength in implementation. Fresh ideas to proven results.

  • Digitization
  • Digital User Experience & Design
  • Governance, risk, audit
  • Data driven innovation
  • Consultancy digital professionals

Fact-based management with business intelligence (BI) from an agile data foundation. We call this Fact-Based Improvement.

  • Governance and organizational change
  • Data management and data governance
  • Data platform, foundation of management
  • BI, Business Analytics (BA), and big data
  • Managed Cloud Services

Factbased improvement is one of the eight themes that help us answer your questions about digitalization and transformation.