It’s good to keep track of customer queries, but staying one step ahead of them is even better. Thankfully, you can do just that with AI and other emerging technologies. They help you to provide a more effective, relevant, and smoother service to your customers.

Pensions: more personal, more digital, more transparent, and faster
The introduction of the ‘Nieuw Pensioencontract’ (new pension contract) is having a big impact on the pension sector. We’re all being encouraged to start thinking independently about our retirement – sooner rather than later. Pensions are becoming more personal, more digital, more transparent, and faster. You want to be able to access your pension details immediately – just as easily as you bank or shop. If there’s a change in your working or personal life, you want to be able to calculate immediately what the consequences might be. At Conclusion, we support this trend towards personal responsibility for current and future income.
We also do our bit at an organizational level. As an independent authority, we manage and certify the data held by pension administrations. We provide a data quality label for pension funds, so that they can deliver on their future-proof pension guarantee.
Banking and insurance: a perfect match with customer expectations
The financial market is going through a major transition. Customer needs are changing, regulations are getting stricter, and technological innovations need to be rolled out without any delay. To align customer experiences with customer expectations, financial organizations are adapting their strategies across all channels. Think of accurate chatbots or software that performs high-quality risk analyses. At Conclusion, we support the use of AI or other emerging technologies to provide a more effective, relevant, and smoother service to your customers. We believe in financial equality: using smart technology to help people responsibly benefit from new financial opportunities while protecting existing ones.
Regulation: keeping control in a changing environment
The financial crisis led to a long list of reforms and regulations. Banks and regulators want to have a grip on this. At the same time, there’s a great need for new rules to protect consumers and ensure stability – especially now, in this rapidly changing financial landscape. This means a constant focus on your own compliance, and that’s where Conclusion takes you to the highest level. We also offer the flexibility and speed that enables you to maintain your organization’s operational excellence.
Comprehensive: from customer data to customer-driven strategy
From customer solvency to online behaviour and income, every bank has a wealth of customer data, including from external sources, from which value can be extracted. At Conclusion, we help to realize the full potential of this data both for your own processes and your customer service. There are certainly more than a handful of service providers who still don’t have the right cloud-based platforms to enable such innovation. Or there may still be no data-driven strategy for all parts of the organization – after all, operations, marketing, and sales all need to work together on this. Supported by our experience in the financial sector, we help to make this transition a success in terms of IT and data technology as well as human resources.
One thing is certain: your imagination is the limit.