Leading digital change

Digitalization offers companies unprecedented opportunities to strengthen their competitive position and create new value for customers. Conclusion helps you to realize this digital change. The result: a resilient, agile, and distinctive organisation.

Conclusion Leading digital change

Let technology strengthen your strategy

In Leading Digital Change, we look at the overall picture of digital change: from strategy to results. The choices you make on the axis of business and IT are central. Our TWO Model harnesses the power of interaction.

TWO model: connect business and IT

Our TWO Model follows this type of interaction. The TWO Model makes the connection between your business and IT themes clear and understandable. Whatever your query, Conclusion is here to review, launch, implement, and manage your project – regardless of your starting point.

Leading digital change

Leading digital change: in brief

Leading digital change helps to translate your business strategy into concrete results. Here, digitalization is the driver of your strategy to bring lasting resilience, agility, and distinctiveness to your business. Watch the animation to see our approach.

What are the benefits of our approach?

A clear digital vision
A realistic digital strategy
A sustainable, supported change
A result-driven implementation of your business strategy

How we do it

There’s no single starting point in our collaboration, whether you’re about to make a change or almost ready for implementation: we’re ready to help, whatever your challenge. We act on the basis of four concrete steps:

SEE: explore the dot on the horizon, and examine your surroundings

Together, we explore the dot on the horizon and look at the market around us. This closer examination gives us a feeling for the organisation, and enables us to steer a course towards supported digital change.

THINK: analyse the situation and determine the themes

We jointly analyse the current situation, and determine the themes your organisation has to tackle urgently. We then determine the impact of these themes on the chosen business strategy.

DO: Make a plan, and organise your resources

Our goal is to establish cohesion and structure amidst the challenges, and identify the most suitable approach. This ensures support for the realisation of your digital roadmap.

REAP THE BENEFITS: focus on results and celebrate success

Now is the moment to implement the plan and the strategy. We provide assistance in maintaining a result-orientated approach and exercising control over the change process. Together, through co-creation, we pave the way towards sustainable success.

Get inspired

Digital strategy

Future vision becomes IT strategy

How a pioneering Dutch player in the agricultural sector innovated strategically and significantly increased its global importance.

Our services







A successful digital transformation is never about pushing a single button. Our service harnesses the power of interaction. Get to know our nine themes and our unique TWO model.