Cloud application journey

An outdated and fragmented application landscape can hold back your business. You want to speed things up, but how? At Conclusion, we guide customers on their journey to an up-to-date development platform such as Cloud Native or Cloud Ready. Are you ready for a journey to the cloud?

Cloud migration

Cloud migration is a complex process

Cloud transformation is anything but a quick fix. Migration is often a complex journey due to the multi-faceted nature of the process, with changes in technology calling for changes in your organization and employee mindsets. Every decision is linked to what’s happening elsewhere in the organization.

TWO model: connect business and IT

Our TWO Model follows this type of interaction. The TWO Model makes the connection between your business and IT themes clear and understandable. Whatever your query, Conclusion is here to review, launch, implement, and manage your project – regardless of your starting point.

Cloud application journey in brief

Cloud application journey: in brief

An agile and up-to-date development platform offers scalability and flexibility as well as the ability to respond quickly to new opportunities. Watch the animation to see our approach.

What are the benefits of a successful cloud migration?

An up-to-date application landscape in the cloud
An agile strategic change portfolio
Strengthened, fully involved application teams
A risk-free go-live of your new application landscape
Transparent costs that you can control
Pay-per-use: only pay for what you actually use

How we do it

While we build the architecture, you get to build on our principles: think security, privacy by design and pay-per-use for applications that benefit from it. Conclusion works according to N-1 as standard, which means we continuously test current technology against the state-of-the-art. This prevents new legacy and leads to a secure, agile, and scalable application landscape. Our five steps for a successful Cloud application journey:

1. Business value check

We sit down with you and go through the business value of existing applications.

2. Application landscape analysis

We perform an analysis of the technology to produce a roadmap of suitable technology and an approach for applications that still use different technology. This is how we also facilitate new initiatives: experimenting with new technology innovates the roadmap.

3. Transforming together

We use the knowledge present within your organization and strengthen your teams with the specialists required for each phase. We work together to steer towards the agreed result while seeking to create DevOps teams for development and management.

4. From design to implementation

We design and build a platform in the cloud. We then use infrastructure as a code to create building blocks, so that we can integrate the applications and their infrastructure into the new architecture.

5. A supporting handbook

After establishing the basic architectural principles, our architects create an Application Transformation Handbook that sets out scenarios according to the 5R or 6R methodology. With this handbook as a guide, the transformation can be performed with a number of teams according to scalable parameters.

Get inspired

Royal FloraHollland

Royal FloraHolland migrates to AWS public cloud

Royal FloraHolland benefits from accelerated time-to-market, pay-per-use, and a resolved infrastructure lock-in.

Our services







A successful digital transformation is never about pushing a single button. Our service harnesses the power of interaction. Get to know our nine themes and our unique TWO model.