Responsible progress with AI

The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) is huge. Using AI responsibly has become a requirement with the arrival of the European AI legislation (AI Act). Conclusion assists organizations in using AI ethically, sustainably and future-proof.

Whitepaper: AI literacy and your organization

Every organization that uses AI must comply with Article 4 of the EU AI Act from February '25: promoting AI literacy. So get started with AI literacy now! Seize the opportunities, know the risks and comply with the law.

Our AI expertise

AI is used for innovation, new business models and process optimization. Conclusion supports organizations to achieve their goals with the following areas of expertise:

Formulating and realizing vision and strategy

Adopting AI in the organization

Embracing innovation as a constant factor

Building a solid data foundation

Training to create awareness

Complying with (upcoming) laws and regulations

Developing transparency and accountability

Implementing AI and security issues

Achieving opportunities with AI

By integrating responsible AI principles with a human-in-the-loop approach, we maximize the benefits of AI and effectively manage risk. We combine our market expertise, data science and machine learning to create new insights, innovations and business models driven and supported by AI.

Work is changing because of AI

AI also offers powerful solutions to labor shortages, making companies excited about the opportunities. Any process can be made more efficient; the key is finding the right processes. The solutions often lie in simple adjustments. Do you want to know how to identify bottlenecks and create business value with AI?

AI according to our experts

“The trick is not to be distracted by the possibilities of the technology, but by understanding your greatest challenges and how AI can be part of the solution.”

Maartje Keulen

Head of data science and AI at Mediaan Conclusion

The vision of Maartje Keulen, Head of Data Science and AI, about the role of AI in improving business efficiency.

“The success of generative AI in enterprise environments therefore depends on good prompt engineering.”

Bastiaan Sjardin

CTO and AI strategist at Future Facts Conclusion

Bastiaan Sjardin, CTO and AI strategist at Future Facts Conclusion, discusses the use of generative AI for the client, including benefits, complexity, and applications.

“If business analysts, software developers and application administrators can leave the technical hygiene to AI and hyperautomation, then they can focus on better-developed functionality and, whit that, higher software quality.”

Patrick Stevens

CTO AMIS Conclusion

Patrick Stevens, CTO AMIS Conclusion about AI and hyperautomation in the supply chain for robust software