Display solutions
We develop a combination of hardware and software solutions to make the provision of digital passenger information as efficient as possible.

Public Transport
Date published
9 februari 2021

We are continuously working on the upgrading and integration of other hardware and software solutions. Thanks to our practical experience and drive for innovation, we are able to design and develop products with enhanced functionalities.
We also develop totally new products for our clients on request. Sometimes we upgrade an existing product and make it compatible with our own in-house software and hardware. For ProRail, we are currently providing maintenance services for all the digital information displays on the platforms of every train station in the Netherlands. These displays come in all sizes, from 55 inch to 17 inch. The housing of the displays, the blue frames, is an existing product of ProRail. Various steps had to be taken first in order to get the updated product operational.

We designed a combined hardware and software solution that enables ProRail to present passenger information on the displays. This product was developed using the latest high-end technology. All our products go through a rigorous testing procedure carried out by a certification centre, which includes analyses for shock and vibration resistance, EMC compatibility, and weather resistance.
We are continuously upgrading and improving all our in-house hardware and software. We are always searching for ways to make something work better or faster, both at the request of our clients and proactively. For example, we have developed the SensorBOX that helps our service engineers to track down the causes of breakdowns quicker. The first version of the SensorBOX was implemented as part of a nationwide solution for ProRail. Thanks to the SensorBOX in the new 55-inch and 17-inch displays, both the service engineers and the staff working at the service desk of ProRail are now able to carry out preventative maintenance much quicker. The totally new software installed in the displays has also reduced the frequency of breakdowns.