Valentin Calomme - strategieconsultant Conclusion AI 360

The role of technology in complying with the AI Act

Kelly Meijers, sustainable AI strategy specialist at Conclusion AI 360

Sustainable value creation with AI

In the previous trend report, Patrick Stevens described four ways to accelerate the different stages of the software production chain using generative AI (GenAI). This raises the question: will GenAI replace low code? Or does it actually give a boost to low code?

End of low code due to GenAI?

Friso Spinhoven, responsible AI consultant at Conclusion AI 360

The responsible AI framework

Joyce Lopulalan, Vera van der Steen and Tim de Boer about Voicebot technology

Joyce Lopulalan, Vera van der Steen and Tim de Boer about Voicebot technology

Robbrecht van Amerongen, Head of Strategy at AMIS Conclusion

The 'dumber' the intelligent edge the better


Extracting value from data? Avoid these pitfalls

Paul de Metter

How to improve your digital customer journey and level up your conversion

Anneke Zijlstra

Stronger together: Anneke talks about the TWO model as a foundation for cohesion