Taming the IoT Spaghetti: Unraveling the Complexity of IoT Architecture with Pasta Metaphors
In the ever-expanding realm of the Internet of Things (IoT), organizations are increasingly embracing interconnected devices to gather and exchange data. These systems often start with one use case and one type of sensor. Adding more sensors, protocols, and use cases the IoT systems gradually evolve towards a more complicated system adding a new string of pasta for every new use case or sensor.
The intricate nature of these systems can lead to spaghetti-like architectures that are challenging to understand and expand. manage and maintain. This article delves into the common pitfalls of IoT spaghetti and introduces two pasta metaphors – lasagna and ravioli – to illustrate effective approaches to IoT architecture.
January 25th, 2024 | Blog | By: AMIS Conclusion