Introducing JHipster

This session will provide clear insight in what JHipster can do for you and helps you getting started in a practical way.

6 juni 2018   |   Nieuws   |   Door: AMIS Conclusion



Op 5 juli verzorgt AMIS in samenwerking met gastspreker Sendil Kumar een kennissessie over JHipster. De hele sessie wordt in het Engels gegeven.

what to expect

This session will provide clear insight in what JHipster can do for you and helps you getting started in a practical way. We will start with an introduction and demo, and will continue with a hands-on session.

About JHipster 

JHipster is an application generator. Based on best practices from 100s of developers and supporting many de facto standard technologies, JHipster generates a complete and modern Web app, unifying:

  • A high-performance and robust Java stack on the server side with Spring Boot powered REST APIs - integrating with databases (SQL & NoSQL & In Memory Cache), messaging systems (such as RabbitMQ and Apache Kafka) and Identity & Access Management (Okta or KeyCloak)
  • A sleek, modern, mobile-first front-end with Angular or React and Bootstrap
  • A powerful workflow to build your application with Yeoman, Webpack/Gulp and Maven/Gradle and deploy it in Docker, on Kubernetes and on one of several cloud platforms

The generated application has built-in support for metrics for monitoring, logging, service discovery, authentication and more - leveraging the power of Spring Boot. Most applications cannot be fully generated obviously. Using JHipster for the full life cycle of all application components will not always be an option. For most components, the main value of JHipster lies in the initial phase where JHipster assists in quickly creating the outline of the application, a directory structure with fully and mutually configured technologies and the skeleton (dare I say 'the struts'?) of the application code itself. It is a perfect way to quickly get going with a rich frontend and/or microservice - and to simply learn what good practices are for working with a rich combination of popular and widely adopted technologies.


Sendil Kumar (Senior Full Stack Developer at Xebialabs, Netherlands and member of the JHipster core development team), Nico Klasen (Senior Full Stack Developer, AMIS) & Lucas Jellema (CTO, AMIS)

Our guest speaker is Sendil Kumar.Sendil Kumar is a part of JHipster core development team and writing a book on Full stack development with JHipster. He is also a member of the Webpack contributor team. Sendil Kumar is an active open source contributor. He is also a senior full stack developer at Xebialabs. He loves to explore and learn new things. See him in action at Devoxx Belgium (November 2017).

Target Audience & Prerequisites

This session is aimed at front end & backend (API and Service) developers, full stack developers and application architects. 

Some development experience with either front end or middleware/back end systems and a little Java is desirable.  Please bring your laptop for the hands-on session. 


Wil je bij deze kennissessie op 5 juli aanwezig zijn? Stuur dan een mail naar met de vermelding 'Aanmelding Kennissessie JHipster 5 juli'.  Aan deelname zijn geen kosten verbonden.

Wij zorgen voor het diner. Heb je dieetwensen? Geef dat dan aan in de mail. Ken je iemand voor wie deze avond ook interessant is? Dan is diegene natuurlijk ook van harte welkom. Laat diegene zich wel even zelf aanmelden in verband met de catering en het totaal aantal beschikbare plekken voor deze sessie.

Vergeet niet een laptop mee te brengen.